Thursday, August 23, 2007

Keep an Eye on 'Em!

Thanks to Widgetbox and Open Congress, I now have an easy way to keep an eye on what my representatives are doing.

Widgetbox allows you to submit the URL of any blog and create what's called a Blidget. Open Congress has a feed for all of the Senators and Representatives, so all I had to do was join Widgetbox, which I'd already done. Then click "Submit Blidget", and paste the RSS feed link from the representative's page on OpenCongress. Out came this:

I've made Blidgets for
Senator Bennett,
Senator Hatch, and
Representative Matheson, or you can create your own. You can see mine on the right side of this blog, if you scroll down a bit, and there's a link by each of them if you'd like to add them to your own blog.

If anyone wants to make one and needs more help, just let me know.