This Saturday will be the Utah State Democratic Convention. Utah for Obama will have a booth there. We have t-shirts (and hopefully the bumper stickers will get here before then!) to sell. They were purchased from the campaign, so all proceeds benefit Obama '08. I'm excited to see how the various caucus meetings go. I won't likely attend any of them, but we plan to have members at as many as possible.
Last year was the first time I'd attended one. I went as a volunteer with Pete Ashdown's booth. I really had no idea what to expect. It turned out to be a great day, though. Timmy met Jenica there. Well, they actually met at the Cinco de Mayo parade, but this was really when they hit it off, and started dating. We had a lot of excited people come by the booth, hopeful that maybe Pete really could oust Orrin. That didn't happen, but I have no doubt it will next time.
Anyway, I'm excited at the number of volunteers that have signed up, and I think Saturday will be a great day for us. I look forward to some very interesting conversations.